Ann Arbor Police Now Required To Test Positive For THC
In a shocking twist, the city of Ann Arbor’s government has proposed requiring police officers to use cannabis while on duty. The proposal states that officers will be required to have a certain percentage of THC in their blood at all times.
Some critics are concerned about the safety of officers and the public while on duty, while others believe it will help reduce stress levels and improve their overall job performance.
One police officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, was caught trying to sneak in his own supply of THC-infused brownies to meet his quota. He was quickly apprehended by other officers, who found the brownies hidden in his locker.
In response to the proposal, a local donut shop has started offering a special “cannabis cop” donut to help officers meet their THC quota. The donut is infused with CBD to help balance out the effects of the THC.
Despite the controversial proposal, the local government remains committed to its implementation. A spokesperson for the Ann Arbor government police was quoted as saying, “We believe this proposal will lead to happier, calmer police officers, and ultimately, a happier, more peaceful community.”