420 Tabloids

UFO Sighting Over Natural Stress Solutions

Genesee County Sighting Report

FLINT MICHIGAN October 20th, 2020

UFO Sighting Flint at the corner of Hill and Fenton Road. 

Witnesses testimony state that on or around 4:20 in the afternoon…

Jimmy Smith Stated to Genessee County Police:

“After rising straight up, it stayed for a while at a constant height and seemed to become blurred outside. It then turned into the oval shape that is familiar to us from TV or magazines. It was the same object but not the same shape as before, but the outline was not clear. Soon after it moved to the right at a fast speed. It looked like a low-altitude flight but it all happened so quickly, and then it just disappeared in the cloudless blue sky. I was so shocked, I felt out of my mind.”


UFO Sighting Flint Jimmy further stated that:

“This thing was so huge, but it disappeared just in a moment. I tried to explain what I saw to my wife and child who were right beside me but I couldn’t. I just pointed and could only shout out in surprise.”


Jimmy Continued with:

“My wife was very annoyed and said that everyone cannot see UFOs, only some people do and some don’t. By then it had disappeared. I was so excited that I went outside with my daughter and searched the sky but it was too late. I still can’t believe I have had such an experience. I will never forget that movement and that speed, something beyond common sense. It means to me that things exist that we don’t understand.”

News Radio 950 have many reports UFO Sighting in Michigan. So many that they wrote a report about many reports in which they claim so outrageous ideas such as asking why there may be so many reports.

“Imaginations are running wild across the state, as reports of UFO sightings are on the rise here in Michigan”.

Director Bill Konkolesky, of the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, said they’ve received more than 180 reports of “unidentified flying objects” spotted by people in the state so far in 2020.

In Conclusion the experts have declared that while people are under more stress, that there are solutions and that they may be closer than we think!

“We saw an uptick in UFO reports starting earlier this year. In the spring there was definitely a big uptick,”  he told WWJ’s Sandra McNeill. “You could say that there was a correlation between the beginning of the (coronavirus) pandemic and the beginning the the sightings.”
