Northern Specialty Health | PROMO Code | $5 off Coupon | Houghton
Northern Specialty Health Houghton, Michigan
Deals, Discounts, Promotions
Use PROMO codes “NSH420″ and “NSH906” to receive $5 off during the month of May, with purchase. Each promo code can be used once. They can be used during the same visit. **Discounts will be given at the time of purchase. Do not input these promo codes into Weedmap’s online ordering. Discount will be given by budtender**
Everyday – Veterans save 10%
Senior Monday- 10% off for seniors 60+
Tasty Tuesday– Buy one get one half off on select edibles
Weed Wednesday– $5 off 1/8th (limit 2)
Fab Dab Friday– $5 off select concentrates
Sunday Funday- ounce specials 10% off